We will be offering individual passes this year and not family passes as all Peck students will be allowed in free as soon as we are able to let everyone into the games. The Individual pass will be $50.00. Currently only 2 tickets per athlete are given to them for each of theUr sporting event they are participating in. More details to follow. Please call the high school with questions you need answered. .
over 4 years ago, Paula Davidson
The girls jv and varsity volleyball game scheduled for tomorrow night with BCAS has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for a later date.
over 4 years ago, Paula Davidson
Athletics: The varsity football game scheduled for Friday, September 18th has been moved to Merrill High School. Kickoff is at 7 pm.
over 4 years ago, Bill Kerr
Thank you to all PCS families and staff for making our "Return to Learn" such a great experience. Week 1 is in the books and I am so proud of our Pirate family for their commitment to education. Great things happen every day at PCS! -Mr. Kerr
over 4 years ago, Bill Kerr
The Methodist Church in Melvin has beautiful fruit, dairy, and meat boxes today until noon for free (Sept. 11). Please go see them if you have the chance. They are eager to help our area families!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
Attention Virtual Learners: Meals will be provided free of charge for virtual families as well. Meals can be picked up in the circle drive on WEDNESDAYS every week from 12:30-1:00 pm.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
Great news! All Peck students will be receiving free lunch for the beginning of the year until further notice (Dec. 31 at the latest). We do still need families to return their yellow forms. Other important school funding is also tied to this document. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
yellow form
Attention Virtual Students: Tonight's chromebook pick up is cancelled. We will send an announcement when it is rescheduled.
over 4 years ago, Bill Kerr
All practices are cancelled for today, 9/8/20,
over 4 years ago, Bill Kerr
Due to a power outage we will be releasing students at 11 am. Buses will pull out at 11:05. You may come pick up students beginning now. Call the emergency number of your child’s building if you need information.
over 4 years ago, Bill Kerr
Power is out at the school please use Emergency numbers High School (810) 404-3605 Elementary (810) 404-3627 Central Office (810)404-3628
over 4 years ago, Luke Engler
It’s raining cats and dogs, Peck Elementary! Change of plans for this morning. Please send kiddos to the entrances. Adults will be there at the doors at 8:15 and in the halls assisting children. Thank you for being flexible!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
Change of plans
bit.ly/2QSTYCe JH/HS Click the link for first day info. Doors open at 8:15, school starts at 8:30. See you tomorrow!
over 4 years ago, Bill Kerr
Happy First Day of School Eve, Peck Elementary! We are so excited to see you tomorrow! When you get dropped off or get off the bus, find your teacher on the stones in the playground area. They will have a sign with their name and your grade in it. All of our other adults will be around the outside of the building to help too. See you tomorrow! 🤩🏴‍☠️❤️
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
Happy first day of school
Good evening! Peck Schools’s new school day hours will be 8:30am-2:30pm on a trial basis to begin the year. Doors will open at 8:15. This will adjust bus routes. Busses will be a half hour later in the morning and a half hour earlier in the afternoon.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
Schedule change
Spring Pictures from last school year are here. Lifetouch is offering them to us for $20. They can be paid cash or check to LIFETOUCH. K-5 will be at their teacher's table tonight at Meet the Teacher and 6th grade can pick up at orientation tonight as well. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
Due to conditions on the weather radar, Pirates and Popsicles in the Parking Lot will be rescheduled for WEDNESDAY 9/2/2020 from 5-7. We apologize for the inconvenience but want to remain safe since it is an outdoor event. Thank you for being flexible!!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
Peck Elementary's Pirates and Popsicles in the Parking lot is tomorrow, Tues. 9/1/20! If you are in Kindergarten or 2nd grade, be sure to visit the information table as soon as you arrive to get your classroom assignment. See you tomorrow!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
https://peckfansfall2020.itemorder.com/sale If you need some new Pirate Apparel, our athletic sale is open until 8:00am 9/4.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r6UJnoDHBecg9llOb7jx797rSthQq2XioydS0OLfzT8/edit?usp=sharing JH/HS Students: click the link for the supply list for this school year (In-person students only). Virtual students will have a list by the middle of next week.
over 4 years ago, Bill Kerr