Parents of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Social Studies students. I have had several students the last few weeks asking for test and assignments to be unlocked. As of today, I will no longer do this for my students. My tests are unlocked for 3 days, and they have a week to do the assignments. Those that are not turned in by 8:30 Monday morning will be marked as 0's in the gradebook. They have ample time to get the assignments and quizzes done in one week. This will include all virtual learners, hybrid students, and my face to face students. Any questions, please feel free to contact me at school. Thank you, Mrs. Davis
about 4 years ago, Mrs. Davis
All HS art students need to check-in to art class 3 times a week using the Flipgrid app. This has been emailed to you multiple times the last few weeks. Many of you are not checking in and are losing points because of this. Email me if you have questions.
about 4 years ago, Mr. Sell
7th-grade students: The Budget Project for Consumer Math A is now posted. The due date is December 18. This project is for all seventh-grade students. Contact Mrs. Oz if you have any questions.
about 4 years ago, Amanda Osantowski
Good morning. Peck Community Schools will be delayed two hours this morning. School will begin at 10:30 and doors will open at 10:15. No breakfast will be served today. Lunch will be served as scheduled.
about 4 years ago, Bill Kerr
Peck Community Schools PPTO & Winter Sports Apparel 2020 Attention Peck Pirates! There are two online apparel stores currently open. Great last minute gifts!! The PPTO store will be closing Monday, 11/30 at 8am. This store has a large variety of apparel with multiple print options as well as accessories (blanket, stadium chair, thermal tumbler, cinch sak). A portion of all sales on this website goes directly to the PPTO. This will be the last opportunity to order from the PPTO website until 2021. Orders placed will be delivered before Christmas. The winter sports player and fan apparel website is now open until Thursday, 12/3 at 8am. This store offers a variety of apparel with basketball prints, a generic print and an Ugly Christmas print. This store will reopen but this first round will be the only opportunity to receive items before Christmas. NOTE: As long as inventory is available and manufacturer deliveries are timely, orders placed on either of these websites will be delivered to Peck Schools before Christmas Break. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
about 4 years ago, Bill Kerr
Sanilac County is participating in Connected Nation Michigan's "Connected Community" Program. Please take this survey online at and help us bring awareness and hopefully a solution to the Internet connectivity issues in Sanilac County.
about 4 years ago, Luke Engler
Mrs. Shephard's English students: Have all of your materials with you during every Zoom meeting. This includes your packet, novel, English notebook, English folder, and a writing utensil.
about 4 years ago, Mrs. Shephard
All at-home Art Students: You should have received a Canvas email informing you about the Flipgrid app I using. Please check email and get the app. Our first check-in is today. If you are in Art and didn't receive the email, please let me know at
about 4 years ago, Mr. Sell
All 6th, 7th, and 8th-Grade Students: Please be sure to check your emails daily. This is the main source of communication between you and your teachers. Remember, your teachers will not accept late work after 8:30 Monday morning. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Amanda Osantowski 12th Grade Virtual Daily Schedule
about 4 years ago, Bill Kerr 9th grade Virtual Daily Schedule 11/18/20
about 4 years ago, Bill Kerr 10th Grade Virtual Daily Schedule
about 4 years ago, Bill Kerr 11th Grade Virtual Daily Schedule
about 4 years ago, Bill Kerr
Attention parents of HS students: a daily schedule has been emailed to all students with different activities throughout each day. It will be texted out at 8 am and posted on the website as well. Virtual school begins at 8:30 am.
about 4 years ago, Bill Kerr
Great news! Our blood drive will still happen tomorrow, but the location has been moved to the Flynn Township Hall at 5251 Shephard Rd. Please keep your appointment if you can!
about 4 years ago, Mrs. Shephard
Michigan Blood
All HS students: we will have a full day tomorrow including career center. Please be aware you will be asked to take home the contents of your lockers and any other materials you will need for virtual learning at the end of the day.
about 4 years ago, Bill Kerr
6th, 7th, and 8th-grade Students: Please remember to bring your signed planners with any of your missing/late work to school on Tuesday, November 17. Your first hour teacher will be collecting these first thing. Remember this is a graded assignment. Please contact your teachers with any questions about your late/missing work.
about 4 years ago, Amanda Osantowski
School is canceled for Monday, 11/16/20 due to the power outage. Details about how tonight’s new restrictions will impact school will be released ASAP. Pre-K -12 will be in-person on Tuesday if power is restored.
about 4 years ago, Bill Kerr
Attention all Junior High Parents: beginning this week, we have implemented a new strategy to help increase our junior high students' organization, responsibility, and accountability. Students will bring home their weekly planner on Friday. On the back, students missing assignments for the week will be listed. Students will have the weekend to complete any work that was not completed during the week and turn it in on Monday morning. Late work will no longer be accepted after Monday morning at 8:30 am. Parents, please sign your student's weekly planner so that it may be turned in to their first-hour teachers on Monday morning for credit. Thank you for helping us raise the bar at Peck Junior High!
about 4 years ago, Bill Kerr
Winter sports practice start Monday and the schedule is as follows: Junior Varsity Boys 3-5 p.m. JV and Varsity Girls 5-7 p.m. Varsity Boys Basketball 7-9 p.m. HS Cheerleading 4-6 p.m. Players will be given the schedule for the rest of the month at practice on Monday. All players must have a physical dated April 15, 2019 or newer Physicals dated April 15, 2019 to April 15, 2020 must be accompanied by a MHSAA Health Questionnaire. The health questionnaire is available in the office or from the coach.
about 4 years ago, Paula Davidson