Mrs. Smith's Second Grade Awards Ceremony is ready for you to enjoy!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Kerr Good Morning! Here is Mrs. Sell's 5th Grade Award Ceremony link. Enjoy!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Kerr Good morning! Please enjoy Mrs. Dumaw's First Grade Award Ceremony!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Kerr Hello! Please enjoy our recording of Mrs. Wood's class and their Awards Ceremony!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
All Jr. High Math grades have been updated. Many are missing quizzes and notes. These assignments are posted to Canvas and are still open. All quizzes and notes from May 10-21 are due no later than Wednesday, May 26. Please contact Mrs. Oz with any questions.
over 3 years ago, Amanda Osantowski
Senior Slideshow 2021
over 3 years ago, Luke Engler
Just a reminder that tomorrow, Friday, May 21 is Baccalaureate. This will be held at 6:30 pm at The United Methodist Church in Melvin. There will be food served after the ceremony. Hope to see all of you there!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Sell
To the parents and students of online Edgenuity everyone needs to be at 100% by June 4th. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me through the school or message me, every student has my number. Thank you, Mrs. Davis
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Davis
Upcoming athletic events: May 24th JH Track @ Maville 4 p.m. -JH track practice and pizza party Friday May 21st at normal practice time. JH athletes should be ready to turn uniforms in after the meet. Bus leaves Monday at 230 p.m. Golf Friday May 21st at Bay City. JV Baseball Saturday May 22nd @ Yale @ 10:00 a.m. Bus leaves at 915 am. Varsity track regional Saturday May 22nd at USA start time 9:00 a.m. Bus leaves at 7:00 a.m. GOOD LUCK VARSITY TRACK! Softball/baseball makeup with CPS @ Peck-May 24th at 4 p.m.
over 3 years ago, Paula Davidson
Peck School's Weekend Food Program is participating in Give Where You Live 2021. Please consider helping this wonderful program at Peck Schools that provides food to those in need. Here's the link to donate online, or you can donate in person on the Sandusky courthouse lawn tomorrow from 7 am to 7 pm.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Shephard
Virtual and In-person students of Mrs. Shephard: Any late assignments are due by Wednesday, May 26th by 2:30 pm. No late assignments will be accepted after this time.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Shephard
Peck Pirate Broadcasting Episode #5. Get the latest news and more! Link:
over 3 years ago, Mr. Klepp
Reminder: Tuesday, May 18th is a virtual learning day for all students in grades 6-10. Juniors will be SAT testing.
over 3 years ago, Peck Community Schools
Peck's Weekend Food Program is partnering with the Sanilac County Community Foundation's Give Where You Live campaign. Most of our funding comes from generous community donors. Would you consider giving to this cause? Click the link below to learn more!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Shephard
2021 Spring Band Concert Video! Link:
over 3 years ago, Mr. Klepp
Action shots!
Action Shots!
Action shots!
Action Shots!
4th grade math test tomorrow, Wednesday, May 12. Study guides were corrected in class today and I answered any question a student had.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Prouse
Good evening In-Person Jr. High Parents and Students. All notes for Math 6B, 7B, and 8B have been posted in Canvas for the Week of May 10-14. This is an assignment and will be graded upon my return to the classroom on May 24. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you. ~Mrs. Oz
over 3 years ago, Amanda Osantowski
Come out and enjoy a little bit of softball tomorrow as Lady Pirates enter the Jimmy Johnston Memorial softball tourney. They will be playing it on the Cook fields behind the Catholic Church. The Pirates play at 9 AM and then again at approximately 1 PM. There is a four dollar admission at the gate.The concession stand will be available at the Cooke fields
over 3 years ago, Paula Davidson
7th Grade Students: Math 7B's Exam 3 will be Friday, May 7. Students were given a review to help them prepare. Students will be able to use their Math Journals on the exam. They will not be able to use their review. Contact Mrs. Oz with any questions.
over 3 years ago, Amanda Osantowski
Remember, school dismisses at 1:00 pm today, Wednesday 5/5/21!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Kerr