If you are painting a parking spot tomorrow, please remember to bring supplies! This includes paint (water-based ONLY!), brushes, rollers, plastic bags for clean-up, paint can openers, etc. Students who drive, please DO NOT park in the two rows closest to the school tomorrow. Thank you!
Tomorrow is HAT DAY for the elementary! Students can wear a hat for 50 cents!! 🎩 🧢 👒
https://peckfansfall2022.itemorder.com/ Orders are due by Friday, get your apparel now!
Take note of the Tigers game time change. Feel free to share to help spread the word. Don't want anyone missing our National Anthem performance! Also, more tickets have been added to our section. Ticket Link: https://fevo.me/peck22 Cant wait!
Juniors and seniors who purchased a parking spot will be painting their spots on Friday, September 9th, from 8 am until lunch. Remember, you must provide your own paint and supplies. Spots can still be purchased up until the time of painting. See Mrs. Shephard with questions.
Attention Students and Parents in Mrs. Shephard's Classes: Remember that you need your binder, dividers, and paper by Tuesday. Students were made aware of this last week. Please email Mrs. Shephard with any questions at shephardr@peckschools.net. Thank you!
Peck Elementary's September Citizenship Theme is RESPECT! One lucky treasure ticket will earn a BIKE! We will draw the winner on 9/30/22! If you, or a business or organization you know would like to help donate other fabulous prizes throughout the year, please let us know.
Help support our PPTO! $10 Fall mums are here for a very limited time! All orders must be in by 9/7/22. Payment is due 9/21. Delivery will be 9/23/22. Please contact the elementary office or our Facebook messenger to place an order or get an order form.
It's game day! The football team is playing their home opener tonight at 7 pm at the PCS Athletic Complex. Come out and support the team, the marching band, and our big and little cheer squads. Grab some concessions and enjoy. Family passes will be available at the gate.
The students crushed the staff 18-2 in our Staff vs Students softball game on Monday. Their prize is a free hat day on tomorrow!!
Senior Parking Spot Painting Party: Seniors will paint their parking spots Friday, September 9th during the school day. More information to come from Mrs. Shephard.
Please see important information for the first day of school in the above link. Welcome back!!
Jr/Sr Students: Bring your bat and glove to school on the first day. We will be playing a staff vs students softball game during 5th hour. (Career Center students will go to the Career Center)
https://bit.ly/3AcCqag Click the link to order Peck Cheer Team spirit wear!
Any High School student who need to drop & add a class, Mrs. Blatt is available Thursday, August 25th from 9am-12pm. There is no need to make an appointment. Schedules will be passed out today at Open House from 5-7pm.
Jr/Sr High Students who don't go to Career Center: We will have a staff vs student softball game the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! Bring your bats and gloves. Each grade level will have an opportunity to face off with the staff. We are so excited to see you at school and on the field. This will take place during 5th hour 12:15-1:09
Disney Band Trip 2023: Friendly reminder about the August payment due the first week of school (or at the open house). Thank you!!!
Junior high and Varsity Cross country practice Monday-Thursday next week @ 7pm contact coach Schultz at schultzk@peckschools.net with any questions.
https://bit.ly/3c5ctS9 Click the link for the fall sports schedule. It can be found on the website under documents as well.
One week until our school wide OPEN HOUSE!! Our custodial staff has worked tirelessly to get our building in tip-top shape just for our students. We can't wait to see everyone at Open House on Wednesday, August 24th from 5-7 m.
Jr/Sr High students please start in the CAFETERIA.