Due to continued driver shortage, we only have two drivers this afternoon. Steve’s COUNTRY bus riders will remain at school and will be delayed at least 40 minutes to as long as an hour. Please call the elementary office if your child does not need to ride.
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
Attention Junior Parents: The class of 2024 is doing a candy bar fundraiser. Permission slips with information on the sale went home with the students today. Please sign and return so your student can take a box of bars.
almost 2 years ago, Matt Massad
10th Graders in Mrs. Shephard's Class: Your vocab will be due on Monday, February 6th. Please see Mrs. Shephard with any questions.
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Shephard
Due to continued driver shortage, we only have two drivers this afternoon for the 1:00 release. Steve’s COUNTRY bus riders will remain at school and will be delayed at least 40 minutes. Please call the elementary office if your child does not need to ride. The situation will change daily for the week.
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
bus delays
Transportation: We will be running 3 buses every morning this week. If you ride bus 2 (Jeff) and live east of M19, please be ready 20 minutes earlier for pick up in the morning. Sorry for the inconvenience.
almost 2 years ago, Peck Community Schools
This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow, February 1st is an early release day. All Peck students will be released at 1:00pm.
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Markham
This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow (2/1/23) is our early release Wednesday for the month of February. School will dismiss at 1:00 pm. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
early release
Transportation: due to a lack of drivers, bus 4 (Steve) will not run this week. Another driver will make a double run in the morning for those students. Expect a 45 min.-hour delay. Please call the elementary office starting at 7:15 if your student rides Steve’s bus and you will be dropping them off instead.
almost 2 years ago, Peck Community Schools
Athletics: tonight’s varsity girls game with Akron and the JH boys game at Dryden are canceled.
almost 2 years ago, Peck Community Schools
Good morning. Due to poor road conditions, Peck Community Schools will be closed Monday, January 30th. Have a good day.
almost 2 years ago, Peck Community Schools
6th Grade Math: Module 6 Quiz will be Monday, January 30. Don't forget about your extra credit opportunity. Contact Mrs. Osantowski with any questions.
almost 2 years ago, Amanda Osantowski
Quinnlyn Smith's benefit thank you! 💜
almost 2 years ago, Kelly Smith
Smith Family Thank you
Due to increasingly poor weather conditions, tonight’s dance will end at 10 pm.
almost 2 years ago, Peck Community Schools
6th Grade Math: Module 6 Quiz will be Monday, January 30. Don't forget about your extra credit opportunity. Contact Mrs. Osantowski with any questions.
almost 2 years ago, Amanda Osantowski
Friendly reminder that all remaining Disney payments are due tomorrow (January 27th). Also, reminder that we will have our mandatory trip meeting on March 6th at 6pm.
almost 2 years ago, Mr. Klepp
Band Disney Trip
Athletics: tonight’s (1/26) jv/v girls basketball game will be played as scheduled. JV starts at 6 pm.
almost 2 years ago, Peck Community Schools
Good evening. Peck Community Schools will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, January 26th. Stay warm and enjoy your day!
almost 2 years ago, Peck Community Schools
Snowball dance details...
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Markham
6th Grade Math: Module 6 Quiz is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 26. If we are unable to take it at that time, then it will get moved to the next school day. Don't forget about the extra credit opportunity. Contact Mrs. Oz with any questions.
almost 2 years ago, Amanda Osantowski
Attention Mrs. Shephard's 9th grade ELA class: unit wrap-up writings are due tomorrow at the start of class.
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Shephard