This is to inform everyone that Band Festival will operate as scheduled for tomorrow! Call time in the band room is 7:15am. Go Pirates!
Tonight's driver training class is postponed. Please see your instructor for the rescheduled date/time.
Athletics: as of noon today, tonight's boys district basketball game is still on as scheduled for 7 pm at Caseville High School.
Good evening! Due to the winter weather advisory in effect from 3 am to 8 pm tomorrow, Peck Schools will be closed Friday, March 10th. Enjoy your weekend.
Attention 8th-11th grade Cheerleaders. There will be a PARENT and athlete cheer camp meeting taking place this Sunday, March 12th at 5:30 pm in the Media Center. This is for those that would like to attend cheer camp this summer in July and want more information regarding camp.
Attention Parents of Jr/Sr high students. We are seeing many students signing out with parental permission to go get lunch. This is a friendly reminder from the HS office and the Superintendent's office: our campus is a CLOSED campus. Students are not permitted to leave the building for lunch as it is a major liability to have them driving to and from Sandusky, Croswell, and or Yale to get fast food. The safety of all students is always at the forefront of all decisions and policies that are made. Thank you for understanding and supporting the district regarding our closed campus policy.
The Legion Hockey Co-op donated the proceeds from its March 18th Armed Forces Tribute game against Tawas Area to the Sanilac County Veterans' Affairs program. Pictured are Kendall Dumaw (Deckerville), Shannon Kreger (Program Director), Caleb Lentner (Peck), and Tyler Lamm (Sandusky).
Would you like to be a guest reader at Peck Elementary and tell our students about your career? Call the elementary office! We would love to have a variety of individuals come in for a visit on 3/21 for Career Day!
Please take note of the newly updated itinerary for Band Festival this Saturday March 11th at North Branch HS.
You are invited to Peck's R.E.D. Reading Evening for grades K-5! Please see link for flyer!
We currently have 119 students who are eligible to attend our Cedar Point trip. Our Jr/Sr High students have worked very hard to earn this trip through good behavior, attendance, and passing their classes. The cost of the trip is $100 per student. This covers two meals, a chartered bus ride, and admission to the park. If you would like to donate any amount of money to sponsor one of our students, please send the money to the high school office. We appreciate your support.
A poem read by Mrs. Shephard! Remember to wear something with words tomorrow! Happy reading! 📚❤️🏴☠️
Good evening! Friendly reminder about tomorrow night's Band Disney Trip meeting at 6pm in the band room. We will be going over the full itinerary and all final details regarding the trip. Your attendance is very important and necessary. Thank you! :)
Attention Junior High and High School Band students and parents. Band Festival has been rescheduled for next weekend. Thanks again for being flexible and accommodating. I will make it a first priority to communicate with you any updates I receive.
Good morning! Due to the scheduled weather conditions, Peck Schools will release at 1:00 today. Please call the offices if there are transportation changes for your child.
IMPORTANT! - Dear JH and HS band parents/students: IF Band Festival this weekend is cancelled due to yet another predicted storm ahead of us, it will be RESCHEDULED FOR NEXT SATURDAY, MARCH 11th AT THE SAME LOCATION (NORTH BRANCH HIGH SCHOOL). Thank you in advance for being flexible and making it possible for our kids to perform! I will pass along information as soon as it is available so we plan accordingly. Again, no official cancellation announcement has been made, but IF Band Festival this weekend is cancelled it will be rescheduled for NEXT SATURDAY, MARCH 11th AT THE SAME LOCATION (NORTH BRANCH HIGH SCHOOL). Please share to help spread the word. Thank you! Go Band!
Sincerely, Mr. Klepp
The Jr/Sr High has quite the collection of clothing in the lost & found. Please encourage your student to check the pile for their belongings. All items will be donated on Monday if they aren't claimed.
Please enjoy our second selection for March is Reading Month brought to you by Mrs. Wood!
Attention 6th Grade Parents: We are still looking for a parent to help work concessions tonight. Please contact Rachel Shephard at or Candice Johnson at if you are able to help. Thank you!
Good Morning! Remember, Peck Schools will release at 1:00 for teacher PD as it is the first Wednesday of the month.